Tourbillon Watch

every tourbillon watch is designed to satisfy man's desire for the ultimate; just as man's quest for space is never-ending.

HAOFA Tourbillon

Established in 1996, we are defined as an old watch brand in China. Over the years, as the OEM of many high-end Swiss brands, we have produced the best Tourbillon watches in China.

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AGELOCER Tourbillon

On the basis of inheriting the watchmaking essence of the classic tourbillon, taking architectural aesthetics as the origin of the design, a city of suspended machinery between the wrists is constructed with a feather-light suspended tourbillon and mechanical bones.

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Crystal Watch

We spend our time studying and selecting watches which, to us, have a certain appeal. From intricate mechanics to balanced aesthetics, as well as the compelling stories of the watchmakers behind them, because of what they represent: the passage of time. and its enjoyment.

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